Quest:Chapter 4.5: The Chase

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Chapter 4.5: The Chase
Level 144
Type Solo
Starts with King Elessar
Starts at The Keep of Ost Arndir
Start Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [52.9S, 84.4W]
Ends with Leafshade
Ends at Tumbamálë
End Region Anfalas
Map Ref [70.7S, 94.9W]
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 4
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I want you to return to Anfalas as quickly as you can, my friend, and to look for sign of the retreating Corsair ships from the coast of Thingast. If it can be managed, we need to know what direction they sail as they leave the river.

'We will follow after you, but a larger company must move more slowly than one <race>. Once you determine the direction of the Corsair ships, you will find me at Lond Cirion. Go with utmost haste, my friend! Much depends on what you can learn of their course.'


King Elessar directed you to hurry south along the coast of Anfalas, in pursuit of the fleeing Corsair ships.

Objective 1

King Elessar wants you to travel with haste to the coast near Thingast, south-west of Lond Cirion, in Anfalas.

King Elessar: 'I want you to return to Anfalas as quickly as you can, my friend, and to look for sign of the retreating Corsair ships from the coast of Thingast. If it can be managed, we need to know what direction they sail as they leave the river.
'We will follow after you, but a larger company must move more slowly than one <race>. Once you determine the direction of the Corsair ships, you will find me at Lond Cirion. Go with utmost haste, my friend! Much depends on what you can learn of their course.'
Nauriel: 'My son is depending upon your haste, <name>. Do not fail him.'
You have found a spot from which you might see distant ships

Objective 2

  • Look out over the water for the fleeing Corsair ships

From this location on the coast you should look out over the water in search of the fleeing Corsair ships.

King Elessar: 'I want you to return to Anfalas as quickly as you can, my friend, and to look for sign of the retreating Corsair ships from the coast of Thingast. If it can be managed, we need to know what direction they sail as they leave the river.
'We will follow after you, but a larger company must move more slowly than one <race>. Once you determine the direction of the Corsair ships, you will find me at Lond Cirion. Go with utmost haste, my friend! Much depends on what you can learn of their course.'
Nauriel: 'My son is depending upon your haste, <name>. Do not fail him.'
The hazy sky over the water hides from your sight any retreating ships

Objective 3

  • Find a spot further to the west from which you mighty spy distant ships

Another location on the coast to the west may allow you to look out over the water in search of the fleeing Corsair ships.

This is a good spot from which to look for distant ships
  • Look out over the water for the fleeing Corsair ships

Another location on the coast to the west may allow you to look out over the water in search of the fleeing Corsair ships.

You can't quite make out what the distant shapes on the water might be

Objective 4

  • Talk to Arasdil on the coast of Thingast

Arasdil stands nearby, and has something to say to you.

Arasdil: 'Fleeing Corsair ships? No, I have not seen anything of that sort today, for I have only just arrived from Melgobas. You say they would be coming down the river?
'Doubtless these are not the tidings you need, but I did see your ships going up-river a few days gone. From hiding I watched their crew come ashore, bearing torches and shouting commands. They visited the haunted grove to the south-west... foolish idea, of course, that's a place decent folk don't go, and still haven't! Who would count a Corsair decent, after all?
'Anyway, they were inside for just a quarter of an hour or so, and when they emerged they reboarded their ships and sailed up the river. I told the town guard back home, so do not think I haven't done my share! But I am just a fisherman, and even the guardsmen knew better than to get mixed up with two ships of Corsair raiders!
'You think they might keep a secret store of goods or weapons in that grove? Strangdene it is called, and I tell you again it is haunted. You won't see me creeping about in there, and if you've more wisdom than foolish courage, you won't go inside either! Good day to you.'

Objective 5

Arasdil told you he saw Corsair activity at the haunted grove to the south-west before the ships sailed toward Pinnath Gelin.

Arasdil: 'I have not seen these Corsair ships return, but I did see them going up-river a few days gone. From hiding I watched their crew come ashore, bearing torches and shouting commands. They visited the haunted grove to the south-west... foolish idea, of course, that's a place decent folk don't go, and still haven't! Who would count a Corsair decent, after all?
'Anyway, they were inside for just a quarter of an hour or so, and when they emerged they reboarded their ships and sailed up the river. I told the town guard back home, so do not think I haven't done my share! But I am just a fisherman, and even the guardsmen knew better than to get mixed up with two ships of Corsair raiders!
'You think they might keep a secret store of goods or weapons in that grove? Strangdene it is called by my people, and I tell you again it is haunted. You won't see me creeping about in there, and if you've more wisdom than foolish courage, you won't go inside either! Good day to you.'
There seems to be no immediate sign of Corsairs at this grove

Objective 6

  • Examine the high-quality bow on the stone block

A high quality bow rests on a stone within the grove here.

This bow is of unusually high quality and is in fine repair

Objective 7

  • Talk to the Ent in the shady grove

You feel the sudden sensation of being watched.

A deep, rumbling sound seems to come from all around you

Objective 8

  • Talk to the Ent in the shady grove

A mighty Ent stares at you from within the curious, deep wells of his eyes.

Leafshade: 'You there... small one...
'Have you come here to Tumbamálë... to bring tidings of my friend... Nestinanessornë...?'